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Boost your swim training, master the catch, become a faster swimmer in weeks.

ZEN8 + BMC Pro Triathlon Team
Swim Training Plan for just £1.33 per week!

  • On-Demand Videos
  • Race Tactics Webinars
  • Structured Workouts
  • Flexible Training Plan

Over 60% discount (value up to £129)

Limited offer to kickstart your "off-season".

Pro Training Support

Got any questions regarding your swim training? You've got PRO Coaching Support from the ZEN8 Pro Athletes.

Feel Stronger

Swim Faster

Saves Time


Your benefits from this course

A complete swim training program for the time-crunched athlete

Flexible Workouts

You'll get access to a full library of easy-to-follow videos and structured dryland workouts on both your ZEN8 Swim Trainer or in-water sessions.
Train on your terms!

Time Saving

Our training plans are designed for triathletes looking to achieve their goals and still enjoy time with family, friends, career and all things "non-swimming".

Swimming Simplified

Keep progressing with efficient and effective workouts on your ZEN8 Swim Trainer and in the pool. Enjoy our race and open water specific tactics on rest days.
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